About Us

Ontegos Cloud is a software company specifically focused on perfecting information for freight forwarders and logistics services companies.

We develop and sell software and related services.

With these, we facilitate a zero-defect operation, process automation, high-precision business steering, and high-quality customer information. 

Our Products and Services

  • Control all your processes, tasks and transactions electronically around the clock with our Operations Control Process and our Accounting Control Process
  • Implement perfect and error free data and information to manage your business by joining our Perfect Data Workshop
  • Optimize the steering of your business through Advanced Business Analysis
  • Implement an industry leading digital customer interface with the help of our Digital Customer Portal
  • Automate your business processes to the maximum degree possible through our Digital Vendor Portal and our Automation Routines
  • Our products are all integrated through our easy to implement and user friendly Data Hub 
We transform your company into a world class E-Forwarder. Klick here and find out how.

Our Values

In his introduction to Apple's 1997 'Think Different' campaign, Steve Jobs shared profound marketing insights, asserting that marketing revolves around values. It's about understanding what a company stands for, its place in the world, and its overarching purpose. Jobs pointed to Nike as an exemplary company that successfully answered these questions. Instead of positioning itself merely as a sports shoe manufacturer, Nike embraced a broader identity—a company that pays homage to great athletes and celebrates exceptional athletics.
Inspired by this perspective, we delved into defining what Ontegos Cloud represents. What are our values? To answer this, let's revisit the article titled “How to Maximize Profitability”. A comment on my co-author Renato Chiavi's work practices caught our attention. The critique misunderstood the message, focusing on working hours rather than the essence of the article. The core idea wasn't about the duration of work but about unwavering commitment, a sense of absolute responsibility, and genuine care for the business and its people.
Truly caring is an often-underappreciated virtue found in select individuals within every company. These individuals transcend self-interest, caring deeply about something larger than themselves. They pay meticulous attention to every aspect of their work, displaying complete dedication to achieving outstanding results. They play a pivotal role in holding companies together, propelling them forward, and contributing to the betterment of the world. At Ontegos Cloud, we proudly celebrate and honor these exceptional individuals. Renato Chiavi is a prime example in this context. Another one is my esteemed friend and former colleague, Charlie Dobbie, who lived and worked by the motto “every shipment counts”. This motto encapsulates the core value of DHL Express. Each customer using the services of DHL Express can rest assured that their shipments will unquestionably arrive on time. It demands every conceivable ounce of human energy to live up to this quality statement.
At Ontegos Cloud we have adopted this ethos of truly caring. What does this mean exactly? It means that we are passionate about the quality of every single data point within the companies we are privileged to work with. Our standard is nothing less than perfection because perfect data is fundamental to achieving maximum service quality, profitability, and cash-flow. Perfect data empowers precision management, process automation, and optimal customer information.
The attainment of perfect data has become feasible due to recent advancements in information technology, a topic covered extensively in various articles (How to Convert Technology into World Class Business Results, What Can Be Automated, Optimal Financial Reporting).

Oliver Gritz

Founder and CEO

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Data Mastery in Freight Forwarding

How to transform your freight forwarding and logistics company to compete in the digital age - A book by Oliver Gritz

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